Quality improvement webinars for undergraduate medical and nursing curriculum

WHO-CC at AIIMS has already developed a pool of QI coaches who can now support new QI teams in improving the quality of pre-term care management. It is the need of the hour to integrate quality improvement and patient safety in pre-service education. The webinars listed have been developed for pre-service education of undergraduate nursing and medical students with an attempt to make QI learning simple, yet comprehensive. The list also includes real-life QI stories in NICU and pediatric wards which have been presented to make the learning process easy for the undergraduate students.


Steps of POCQI

  1. POCQI Introduction to Quality Improvement: https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/intro/11
  2. POCQI Step 1 Identifying a problem: https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/6
  3. POCQI Step 2A Analyzing a problem: https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/4
  4. POCQI Step 2B Measuring quality of care:- https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/8
  5. POCQI Step 3 Developing and testing changes: https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/5
  6. POCQI Step 4 Sustaining improvement :- https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/3


QI Stories

  1. QI Story 1 Strengthening Sepsis Care:- https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/2
  2. QI Story 2 Analgesia in NICU:- https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/7
  3. QI Story 3 Breast milk bank:-https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/9
  4. QI Story 4 Improving quality of IV line insertion:-https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/1
  5. QI Story 5 Reducing incidence of phlebitis:- https://webinars.pocqi.org/youtubes/view/10